
Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Weekday fun,

I don’t often get chance to write up a week anymore. But needless to say I generally get up to some fun. Most weeks there’s a 1:30 yoga session. Which is good for stretching out the hamstrings and working on the core. It’s also a good way of chilling out as it’s very slow, flowing and breathing focused. I would blame the wife for taking me to this, but after 10 or so months I think I can say I’d go by myself now. Plus it helps for the band practice that I get to most weeks, they’re prepping for the annual trip to Bensheim (twinned with Amersham). Shortly after that there’s the National Brass Band Finals over in Cheltenham which we’re off too (finishing first in our section at the areas). Since we’re being promoted to 3rd section I’d say we’re hoping for great things. Then there’s normally a Thursday run at lunctime and a gym or swim session if we both have the time.. Plus then a weekend of frivolities.

However, this week has seen a minor shift.. Since I had to drop wifey off at the tube I was at work early today. Because I’d had some forethought I’d packed my running kit… there was only one thing for it, a quick blast was required. Well it wasn’t quick-quick, but it was good nonetheless. Plus since I’ve got lunch free I’d say a second one should be required! Ahhh I love it when a plan comes together ;-)

Monday, 20 August 2012


Blimey that was a hot one. Went trog-on reunion camping near the white horse on the ridgeway nr uffington. It was a good catch up with all old uni mates from the outdoor club. If anything it was a bit too hot.. We had a mini trog-olympics with 4 teams in 10 events. With a pause for oranges and lunch! Cracking good fun, just hot work. Further fun was had by a bike ride on the ridgeway with Ant. It was going quite well (apart from the really steep push up onto the actual path) until a flint hacked into his rear tyre*. It put a nice gash on the inner tube and meant change was in order. Unfortunately his spare was too big, so much faff proceeded whilst we tried to repair the original. Patching on a load of ribs, with a large gash just wasn’t happening, so we gave up and put the bigger tube in. Luckily it worked really well and meant we could carry on with the intended route.

Had a bit of a low energy surge about ¾ of the way round, but pressed on as BBQ was in (slow) motion. Both of us completely crashed after this, perhaps the combination of heat and exercise wasn’t a good idea? I just laid low in shade, drank lots and ate a bit too much, since BBQ followed shortly after this (created and cooked by wifey). However, about 2 hrs later picked up again, and became normal.

Sunday consisted of a lazy breakfast (with warmed up sausages – brilliant idea wifey!) and much chatting. However, it soon became too hot again so after de-pitching the tent we vamoosed to air conned car and home for washing, snoozing and an ice cream in the park.

Much fun, thanks to trogs, sprogs and Em for organising!

*please note, there were NO punctures on my bike!

Monday, 13 August 2012

A busy weekend

But a productive one. Had Stefan staying over for the weekend with his mate Erik as they had tickets to the olympic footy final. Unfortunately I also needed to get on with some of the chores I’d been putting off as it was the first vaguely ‘free’ weekend for a while. So Saturday dawned with a further trip to the DIY shop required and then a second breakfast before getting on with patio repair and fence reconstruction. Some assistance from the guys was had before they scarpered for the safety of tube and football match. I continued on and got patio down and fence supports in before having to leave that to set. It didn’t mean the end of the chores (tip run/lawn mow) But thankfully was halted by dinner out with the lads back from footie.

Sunday was an even earlier start for a quick local 10k run, not my best time in 53 mins – I’m really noticing a lack of running in the legs. Followed by breakfast and several showers later for all of us. After this a quick drive to do a slightly less-local walk of 10k again with a pretty good view from Whiteleaf hill, before lunch out and then bidding farewell to the guys who needed to catch a flight. I then cracked on with finishing the fencing and pointing the patio repair. Still more to finish on that – but hopefully a bit of dry weather will ensue.

panorama from whiteleaf hill

Not bad for a ‘quiet’ weekend. Oh and Jury service this week – which so far has resulted in no requirement today so I’m back in work. Somewhat tireder than I’d like tho!

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

One year on

Shucks, I meant to post something on the 3rd (being exactly 1 yr on blog birthday n'all), but i'm sure this'll do..

What a year… I can say with 100% certainty, that it’s one of the most active I’ve had. Having done 2 triathlons, 2 x 10k’s a 5mile, 2 mini-MM’s and one full MM and those are just the organized events. If you’d have said about doing these before I probably would have laughed!

One thing that is apparent looking at stats is that I do a fair amount of different things! However, cycling which was big last year (tri training) has dropped off. Swimming, which likewise was a feature last year (tri’s again) has dropped off, but is still done now and again. Weight training can sometimes be that or climbing (and a large chunk this year was in font). Kayaking has featured a bit this year – but quite a lot down to the week trip down the wye. Hiking has already matched what I did last year distance wise, with a lot more planned.

doubled distance in running this yr
 Running, well as you’d expect with MM training and the several races (and support of wifey) that I’ve done, has exploded this year. I’ve still not topped the 135k odd that I covered in March. That may stand as my all time high!

chunk from running and climbing/font
What’s expected in the future? Who knows…

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Weekend at home

Well kinda.

Collapsed into good sleep on Friday night and then Saturday cracked on with chores in the garden, tip run and muchos laundry. Then had a blast over to Reading for BBQ and meeting my old climbing bud who’d flown back in from Sweden for the weekend. A good amount of fun and frolics were had by all. Wifey had taken the option to drive back home as we were making use of our abode. Sunday dawned a bit too early and plans had been made to meet back up for a ridgeway run. A loop I’d done before and considering I’ve not really been on top form, training lots, or doing distance it wasn’t too bad a show. May have to bump up training again tho!

After this it was a swap of the Swede and I brought him back for lunch at mine (and a quick watch of the womens road cycling finish!). Before heading into Wembley for the GB/UAE match. Some good stuff, some nailbiting and then a late return home. Have so far been a bit tired this week.. However, managed a quick swim last night, where I wasn’t coughing my lungs up for once! I’ll be off for a bit of Yoga tonight too… Run tomorrow, then offski for the weekend to meet up with Bro and family for a camping trip - wicked!