Apologies for yet again another quiet month in posting… However, it’s been anything but quiet in terms of things doing!
Soo in reverse order:
16/17th was contesting weekend and boy did we have a good ‘un. After a lot of hard work and rehearsals Amersham Brass band came 1st in the regional contest for the third section. Since we’d only just been promoted the year before that’s not a bad result and now means were off to the finals in Cheltenham come September! Sunday was a spot of swimming and a bit of yoga whilst Wifey was having a bit of a snooze
9/10th was a double whammy of rehearsals for the contest – which was clearly worth the effort. Plus In-laws coming to visit, Sunday roast and a catch up.
2/3rd didn’t do much this weekend as had been coming down with a cold and then ended up being off work for the wed-fri leading up to this. I did manage a light swim on the Sunday with wifey more for her benefit than mine really!
23/24th was an early morning run Saturday, plus some yoga earlier in the week. I wasn’t feeling fab on the Sunday tho so took it easy.
I’m ever hopeful for some runs this weekend, but will need to keep on top of things. I am feeling slightly perturbed by the lack of training. But I think the ming weather we seem to be having isn’t helping my motivation to train. I HAVE to re-instigate work lunchtime runs..