
Monday, 26 September 2011


Norfolk really is quite flat y'know. Had a fairly chilled weekend. Didn't leave till after dinner friday which meant the traffic was a bit better than normal (but still an accident on M1). Arrived and said hello before passing out, i must have been more tired than I thought.

However, that wasn't going to stop me going for a run as I felt in need of one. I'd scoped out a route on an OS map that looked a good distance and thought it could either be one or two laps depending on how I was feeling. Thankfully I took the one loop option as it was quite long at 11.6k. I wouldn't say it was the most interesting of runs, dyke, endless fields, more fields. At one point the path disappeared and it was going to be a jump over a dyke.. Sensibly I backtracked and then had a long leg on the road. This added to the boredom, but at least there were then front gardens to peer into. 1hr5min in total which i'm happy with considering it's the first 10+k run i've done. Breakfast was well deserved after this.

hmm pancakes

Took MIL for a spin into King's Lynn for a mooch round the shops, it's amazing how most people are completely ignorant of wheelchair users and how some shops are excellent and others useless. Also, although pedestrianisation of high streets is great, but why do they generally insist on cobble effect (ok not quite as bumpy as the real stuff) it's hardly wheelchair friendly. After this it was going to be a scrabble rematch, but it quickly became apparent there were quite a few tiles missing.

Sunday was another, shorter, easier run, followed by sunday roast with some of the best yorkshires i've made in a long time. A short and brief visit, but one that probably did a world of good. Oh and guess what, more beetroot soup sunday night... Still at least it's super tasty!

soupy goodness

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